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Canadian eTax Receipts
Canadian eTax Receipts
Manage Canadian eTax Receipts
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Manage Canadian eTax Receipts
How do I enter a series of receipt numbers?
How do I delete a series of receipt numbers?
How do I view, save or print a tax receipt?
How do I change the Tax Receipt setup?
How do I resend the receipt to the donor?
How do I issue a single receipt?
How do I issue multiple receipts?
How do I cancel and reissue a tax receipt?
How do I change the coordinator receiving copies of tax receipts?
Under what conditions is a tax receipt issued?
When will a Canadian eTax receipt be issued?
How are Canadian eTax receipts issued for recurring donations?
Why was a receipt not sent out automatically?
Can we improve a logo that looks a bit fuzzy?
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How does the credit card payment process work?
How do I view, save or print a tax receipt?
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How do I re-activate an archived event?
How do I cancel and reissue a tax receipt?